Matchday 1 | 30-31 Agustus 2014:
Torino vs Inter Milan
Matchday 2 | 14 September 2014:
Inter Milan vs Sassuolo
Matchday 3 | 21 September 2014:
Palermo vs Inter Milan
Matchday 4 | 24 September 2014:
Inter Milan vs Atalanta
Matchday 5 | 28 September 2014:
Inter Milan vs Cagliari
Matchday 6 | 5 Oktober 2014:
Fiorentina vs Inter Milan
Matchday 7 | 19 Oktober 2014:
Inter Milan vs Napoli
Matchday 8 | 26 Oktober 2014:
Cesena vs Inter Milan
Matchday 9 | 29 Oktober 2014:
Inter Milan vs Sampdoria
Matchday 10 | 2 November 2014:
Parma vs Inter Milan
Matchday 11 | 9 November 2014:
Inter Milan vs Hellas Verona
Matchday 12 | 23 November 2014:
AC Milan vs Inter Milan
Matchday 13 | 30 November 2014:
AS Roma vs Inter Milan
Matchday 14 | 7 Desember 2014:
Inter Milan vs Udinese
Matchday 15 | 14 Desember 2014:
Chievo Verona vs Inter Milan
Matchday 16 | 21 Desember 2014:
Inter Milan vs Lazio
Matchday 17 | 6 Januari 2015:
Juventus vs Inter Milan
Matchday 18 | 11 Januari 2015:
Inter Milan vs Genoa
Matchday 19 | 18 Januari 2015:
Empoli vs Inter Milan
Matchday 20 | 25 Januari 2015:
Inter Milan vs Torino
Matchday 21 | 1 Februari 2015:
Sassuolo vs Inter Milan
Matchday 22 | 8 Februari 2015:
Inter Milan vs Palermo
Matchday 23 | 15 Februari 2015:
Atalanta vs Inter Milan
Matchday 24 | 22 Februari 2015:
Cagliari vs Inter Milan
Matchday 25 | 1 Maret 2015:
Inter Milan vs Fiorentina
Matchday 26 | 8 Maret 2015:
Napoli vs Inter Milan
Matchday 27 | 15 Maret 2015:
Inter Milan vs Cesena
Matchday 28 | 22 Maret 2015:
Sampdoria vs Inter Milan
Matchday 29 | 5 April 2015:
Inter Milan vs Parma
Matchday 30 | 2 April 2015:
Hellas Verona vs Inter Milan
Matchday 31 | 19 April 2015:
Inter Milan vs AC Milan
Matchday 32 | 26 April 2015:
Inter Milan vs AS Roma
Matchday 33 | 29 April 2015:
Udinese vs Inter Milan
Matchday 34 | 3 Mei 2015:
Inter Milan vs Chievo Verona
Matchday 35 | 10 Mei 2015:
Lazio vs Inter Milan
Matchday 36 | 17 Mei 2015:
Inter Milan vs Juventus
Matchday 37 | 24 Mei 2015:
Genoa vs Inter Milan
Matchday 38 | 31 Mei 2015:
Inter Milan vs Empoli
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